Including a 100 page book and a CD featuring ETANT DONNES, STILLUPPSTEYPA, D.v.EULER-DONNERSBERG, Jürgen ECKLOFF, Hermann BOHLEN, COLUMN ONE, MIMETIC, (…)
CD + Book
Including a 100 page book and a CD featuring ETANT DONNES, STILLUPPSTEYPA, D.v.EULER-DONNERSBERG, Jürgen ECKLOFF, Hermann BOHLEN, COLUMN ONE, MIMETIC, Stea Andreasson, Dave PHILLIPS, Jurgen PLOOG, Frieder BUTZMANN, ZSG etc compiled by Robert SCHALINSKI of COLUMN ONE. CD is a claustrophobic travel from ETANT DONNES motornoise, STILLUPPSTEYPA’ drones, Dave PHILLIPS fieldrecordings… through the paranoid cut-up’s of Stea Andreasson (MOWE) and Jurgen PLOOG.. including only unreleased material. Book is the rerelease of the magazine "Warten I" with an huge amount of art-collages, photographs and documents from the 80ies. Full colour & b/w including Brion GYSIN, W.S. BURROUGHS, J. PLOOG, H.R.GIGGER, SURVIVAL RESEARCH LABORATORIES, DEAD CHICKENS, Kathy ACKER. Etc, etc. German and French languages.
CatégorieCD - CatégorieZine